We provide advice to professionals from the agro-food, agribusiness and food & beverage sectors, whether they are industrial groups, co-operatives, family firmsor investment funds.
We accompany shareholders and management teams in all their mergers & acquisitions, from the start of a project to its completion, namely disposals, acquisitions, fund raising, and financial engineering consulting.
Thanks to our network of international partners, Messis Finance operates on an international level..
Messis Finance
is able to identify targets or partners worldwide, and execute transactions, on its own or in partnership, in many different countries.
Messis Finance
is able to identify targets or partners worldwide, and execute transactions, on its own or in partnership, in many different countries.
Messis Finance has been built up on core values of quality of service, long-lasting commitment toward clients and respect for people, all values inherited from the agricultural roots of our group, Unigrains.
Messis Finance combines strong sector expertise in the agro-food and agribusiness sector, and has privileged access to Group Unigrains’ resources.